Friday, December 31, 2010


We went to Toledo on the 26th to celebrate with my family. We exchanged gifts and had a great dinner. We stayed up and played games and then some went into the hot tub before bed. The next day, Heidi, Sean and I went shopping. The others went over to dads to work on the house(well DJ and Aiden did all the work). We all went out for a Mexican then Josh and I met up with the Finkler's and Tippings for a couple of drinks and to catch up. We headed back on Tuesday. We had fun visiting and seeing the family. Enjoy the pics!

Christmas in Toledo

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa came and brought many gifts Christmas Day. Aiden was very excited to see all the gifts. He was shocked that Santa did not eat all his cookies so Aiden finished the rest of them. He was happy that the reindeers ate all the food we set out for them. He loved opening all his gifts. We think his favorite gifts he got were black truck, garage tent, and all his cars. Evie got a lot of toys that make noise and light up. Santa gave me the Mac Book Air so I must have been really good this year! Feel blessed to have a great family and a great year. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve started with breakfast then last minute shopping for Josh and Aiden. We went to church at 5 then came home and had dinner. Aiden wrote his letter to Santa and sat out the cookies and milk out for him. He also put the reindeer food out on the front porch. Once Josh and I got the kiddos to bed we were busy elves getting gifts put together, stockings stuffed and wrapping gifts. Also making sure we had all the right batteries. Since we didn't I made a CVS run at 10:00pm in my PJ's. Josh and I were in bed by 11:30pm. Not too bad. Enjoy the pics

Christmas Eve

Below are pics of the kids and Santa. Well of course Aiden loved him this year, Evie not so much. She screamed bloody murder once we handed her off. Aiden made sure he told Santa every gift he wanted-microphone, piano, black truck, garage and blue doll for Evie. He also said he would leave cookies out for him. Santa gave them each a toy when we left. Enjoy the pics!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

We celebrated Christmas with the Winkler's last weekend. Eli and Aiden had a blast opening gifts and playing with all the new toys. I think Aiden's favorite gift was the Thomas garage. Eli liked his bowling pins and Buckeye uniform. Evie loved her baby doll. Jane just liked being held by Grandpa! We went to dinner at Feast. Were not able to do the zoo lights since it rained all day long. Steve and Deda headed back early since we got hit with so much snow. Fun times. Enjoy the pics.

Christmas with the Winkler's
