Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We took the kids to the water park in Wisconsin Dells with Scott and Sara. The boys had a blast playing together and running around. I think they had more fun in the condo playing in the hot tub! We ordered in pizza for dinner and put all the kids to bed. Once they were all down the adults stayed up and played cards. Made breakfast the next morning and then the boys went to the water park for a bit before we had to head back to Chicago! Fun times with the family! Next year will be a whole new experience with the girls!! Enjoy the pics!

Water Park


For Valentine's Day I made the kids eggs, heart shaped toast, bacon and gift bags filled with candy, games and cars. For lunch the kids had heart-shaped PB&J. Once dad got home from work the kids wanted to kick Aiden's new soccer ball down the hall. I made flank steak and cheesy potatoes for dinner! YUM! Josh got me the Tiffany lock necklace and I got him a picture of the kids from Classic Kids for his new office. Enjoy

Valentine's Day

Below are some pics of the blizzard we had in early Feb. I am so glad it is all melting and rooting in the spring weather.

